MEMORY GAME - level one

The project " MEMORY GAME - level one " consists of 56 prints and plates. These images are notations about moments from the past, those moments which their author most often (and happily) remembers, the kind that easily come back even if they seem to have been completely unimportant. The artist calls them "light" and "free memories" because they are not really deep and not necessarily authentic.
Marija Ilic began her Memory Game at 36, the age when one begins to use the phrase "thirty years ago" more and more often. Level one is her attempt to put together these loose and scrambled moments and try to see them as a whole. It is still uncertain if she will ever manage to attain higher or deeper levels of her Memory Game. In a mean time, the original group of 36 prints were upgraded by another 20.
The corresponding printing plates - the other portion of the project - can be used as cards for a "real" memory game in accordance with their form, size and number.

Technique: woodcut; Print size: 18,5 cm X 19,5 cm; Edition: 12;


This version of the game, unlike the well-known "real" memory game, does not have defined rules such as: number of players, duration, scoring, etc. However, the winner is the one who enjoys playing this game in spite of its irregularity and lack of logic.
Ova verzija igre, za razliku od dobro poznate "memory game", nema stroga pravila kao sto su: broj igra a, trajanje, nacin bodovanja... Ipak pobednik je onaj ko uspe da uziva u igri uprkos njenoj nepravilnosti i odsustvu logike.
Diese Version des Spieles (nicht dasselbe wie das sehr bekannte "real" memory game) hat keine feste Regelen wie: Anzahl der Spieler, Dauer, Resultaten... Dennoch, der Gewinner ist wem es Spass macht das Spiel zu spielen trotz seine Irregularität und Mangel an Logik.
Cette version du jeu, pas le même que le jeu memory "réel" bien connu n'a pas des règles fixes comme: le nombre des joueurs, le durée, les scores etcetera. Quand même, le vainqueur c'est celui qui est capable de se réjouir en jouant ce jeu malgré son irregularite et manque de logique.
Deze versie van het spel "memory game" heeft geen vaste regels zoals het aantal spelers, spelduur, puntensysteem... Echter, de winnaar is degene die er plezier in heeft dit spel te spelen ondanks het gebrek aan samenhang en logica.